Monday, October 3, 2016

The good, the bad, and the "we're surving".

One thing we rest assured in, God called us to foster. He guides. He leads. He keeps us focused on the task at hand. To LOVE LOVE LOVE.

From the good times, the bad times, the absolutely are we even surviving times, He gets us through.

We love our big family, we love making all these kiddos happy and helping raise them into strong healthy children of God. Day to day we tend to question are we succeeding or are we making things worse? However, at the end of the day love shines through and we encourage each child to understand tomorrow is another day, a fresh start, new beginnings. God gives us that, forgiveness, love and an understanding that whatever happened today is behind us tomorrow, always striving to do better, be better. Something Steve and I try to focus on is where these kiddos came from and how they are doing now. Is it great? No. Is it better than it was? Yes. Is there room for growth? YES!!! We are thankful everyday for a Father that has given us hearts for kids, strength to get through each daily struggle, forgiveness for our short comings as parents, and for that fresh start each and every morning. Something I push hard in this house is when you screw up, own it and make it right! Don't make every excuse as to why you did something, own it! Seek forgiveness and try to do better! I as a mom, seek forgiveness when I lash out, I'm hard on myself but strive to make it right, hugs are needed and "I love you's". My biggest fear is "screwing" them up. Maybe that's a common parent fear, I don't know. When days are rough and patience has ran out the door and I'm questioning all we do and that sneaky fear is consuming my brain, God surrounds me with comfort. He reminds me we're not alone, He is leading, guiding and giving us everything we need right when we need it....look to HIM!!!

We have some awesome kiddos! Some have been through Hell, literally. Trauma is real. Behavior issues, anxiety, fear, confusion. They need hugs and reassurance. They need daily and sometimes minute to minute reminders of how good they are even in the midst of bad times. Sometimes with fostering you feel very alone in the day to day struggles and understanding the "why's". From therapy to therapy for each kiddo and keeping them involved and trying to raise them to be kind, loving, children of God, and to be productive people of society. That where they came from isn't where they are going or where they will stay...they can rise above! Their past doesn't need to be their future in any way. God heals, restores and brings a brighter tomorrow. Trying to make time for each kid, each need and each want. That's a huge battle. Through the tears, frustration, hurt, and confusion...loving and being understanding is all we can do. Be there for them. Let them know we will not leave them, they are good, they are kind, they can behave, they will grow and thrive, and time heals, we forgive and we move on each and everyday for a brighter tomorrow....we'll maybe not always brighter but we move on and hopefully grow.

So when you ask us how we are doing, we are surviving. We are happy. The good, the bad and sometimes the ugly. God is good and He is guiding and leading us on this wonderful journey. We have a wonderful family and we love these kids. The future? Only He knows what that will bring and we're just simply along for the ride....bumpy or smooth.

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