Thursday, October 10, 2013

Random factishes....

HOlly at has "nominated" me to participate in this random questionnaire. 

The rules: share 11 random facts about myself. Answer the 11 questions from the blogger that nominated you. Make up 11 more questions and tag five additional bloggers in hopes that this fun little post lives on.


11 random facts about myself:

1. Not a surprise to most but I LOVE decorating and remodeling. I'm constantly thinking of new ways to redo my house. However my hubby is not into demo so I hold back...A LOT!!! 
2. I love cooking!!! I wanted nothing more then to attend Johnson and Wales after H.S. but I would never cook for a living, its simply a pleasure I enjoy at home.

3. Since our struggle with infertility started years ago I've had a major heart calling to help little children, help better their future and in a way be their voice when they're in a situation that they can't speak for themselves. One regret I have is not pursuing that! Props go to social workers (If schooling wasn't so hard....)....currently love Judging Amy reruns! Thanks Mom!! 
4. Here's one for you....I hate when I order a specialty coffee somewhere and I receive it with the hand protector thingy not in line with the drink hole. Always gotta fix it. I know weird! Bet you'll be checking now :)
5. I totally dislike swearing. I can't stand the Fbomb. Why do movies and cd's or people in general find the need to use this trashy word! I can't even get through a movie or listen to a cd that just throws this word around like it's nothing. 
6. I love My Side of the Mountain. A book I've had in my collection since middle school. 
7. Dirty bathrooms annoy me almost more then anything, hello infection and disease! 
8. I played the piano for 9 years before ignoring it in the corner of the living room. Now it's slowly being forgotten. A regret! 
9. I feel like I'm losing brain cells. Yep! True story! 
10. I'm not a good comforter. I can cook for you, clean for you and send you lovely cards with encouraging words but when it comes to face to face comfort I cringe. Not good with crying. Hoping to get better with that someday. 
11. I've had one love in myself, only been with one man, proud to say that!!! 11 years of marriage and 14 years together in all. Good times, hard times, horrible times and it was all worth it to get to where we are. Love that man!!  
Questions from Holly:

Questions for the lucky nominees:  
1. sweet or salty? 
Why not both in one package? Chocolate covered peanuts, my fav!!!

2. What's your least favorite chore/to-do item?
Hands down putting laundry away!

3. Morning person or night owl?
Morning person and ready for a nap around 2 (coffee break time!)

4. What's one of your favorite bands/musicians?
Way to many. Not one favorite over others. Pink, Katy Perry,  Casting Crowns, Third Day, Sara Groves, Usher, Alecia Keys, Randy Travis, David Allan Cole, Garth Brooks, Nickelback (edited), Akon (where did you do???), My list could go on and on. Love music! 

5. Saver or spender?
Oh blasted question!! Spender but only if I'm saving with a coupin!! Horrible at banking!! 

6. What are you reading right now?
And the Mountains Echo

7. What is your favorite season and why?
All of them, they all have such great beauty!!! 

8. Where did you go on your most recent vacation?
Poconos! Beautiful!!!!!

9. If you had one wish what would it be? (wishing for more wishes doesn't count!)

10. What's the most recent thing you tweeted?
Tweet? Who does that?!

11. Introvert or extrovert?
Yep I googled this....**sigh** Introvert I'm sure. 

And that's it!! I'm done and not nominating anyone! 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Baby Blues.

Oh the joys of holding a new born baby. How precious. And yet as much as I crave that all it makes me do today is wanna cry. What a wonderful blessing from God....a precious life given to the parents. A joy beyond words. I sit here and I reminisce about Trent and our NICU days and just the whole first year. Constantly cuddling him and holding him and just simply wanting to cherish every single moment. I knew then just like I know now that God blessed us with such a little miracle, our huge answer to prayers and he may just be our only child. Most days I'm completely content with that. I know God answered my prayers then and he has wonderful plans for our family now. I'm so excited for fostering and I know that God has lead us to that. I'm just craving that life growing inside of me, to hold a precious little baby, to nurse, to have that bond again. The "Why's?" I hate going there and here I sit just doing that. Why why why??? Why all those lost embryo's? Why did we have to go through all that for nothing? Why can't I have what so many have so easily?? And yet just as quick as those questions are rolling out I thank God for Trent. So many woman want exactly what I have...just once...a baby growing in them and then to hold. I had that and so I need to just focus on that and continually be thankful for that. But with all that said and while I am thankful I crave a baby. I yearn for a baby. I would go through all the shots again, all the crazy hormones, the sickness, all of it just to have that precious child in my arms in the end. Its just hard some days. Seeing so many pregnant woman, so many new born babies and so many happy faces celebrating in a new life. Being happy for everyone and congratulating everyone and deep inside just being sad it's not me being congratulated. I sit here and just wanna say lets try again. Adopt more embryo's. But that's me and not God talking...and outside of Gods plans for our family I just don't wanna go there. I see my attic full of baby stuff and I still lactaid. Why, why do I lactaid? I keep saying maybe we will get pregnant someday, a miracle, maybe that's why. A sign that doors not closed. I know my God is bigger then anything and through him ALL things are possible so to me I cling to that. Ridiculous I know, because I lactaid I think that door is still open...but hey ALL things are possible and maybe it is a sign. Trent means the world to me and I can't even describe how much love I have for that little boy, he's my world and I would do anything for him. God is SO good to me and why I question the whys I'm clinging to the fact that God knows my heart and he will, in time, answer my prayers in one way or the other and make me content in that. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Just a bit of venting......

I really need a money manager. Or a lack of money manager. I'm horrible at finances and before it even comes in its headed out the door and sometimes that is beyond frustrating. I need a budget and I just find it so hard to follow one of those when things are as tight as they are. When you don't have it you don't spend it but when things come up you just don't have a choice. I can't not live and so sometimes things get pushed to the side. I've screwed up our bank account, again! Our new bank apparently doesn't find it a need to notify you of your mistakes and will just allow you to keep making mistakes and going into the negative, it's a "courtesy" they call it. No cut off when you make a mistake and head into the negative. No letter, no call, just charges out the wazoo!!!! I'm so stressed and yet there's nothing I can do. Kick myself and feel stupid and just hope it doesn't take the rest of the year to catch back up. God takes care of us and I feel I just keep screwing it up. He supplies our needs and I'm suppose to be smart enough to manage everything and yet I don't. I get so distracted with day to day things and then my dislike for starring at a screen that tells me where I'm lacking just doesn't draw my attention. Bills bills bills we all have them and the majority of us our in debt and struggle. I know I need to just trust God to take care of us and put it in his hands but I also need to use my head and stop being stupid with what he has given us....time to buckle down and start saying it's okay to stay home and not do anything. Start realizing that my son doesn't need the extras. I try saving, I coupon, yard sale, don't buy new. I skip the dentist and eye visits. We eat out once a week. I try to make everything home made to save there. We have a great life and I thought we weren't spending extra on pointless things but looking out our Quicken account, we obviously need to change something. Nothings cheap and if you don't make an over abundance in a paycheck, it's tight, most of us know how that is. It just stinks sometimes and I need to vent it out. We said when we moved we wouldn't get internet and tv and we did anyways cause we got a decent monthly price but maybe that needs to go anyways. I don't know anymore. Where else to cut costs, where else to save. Thankfully God has provided work for me the end of this week and I'm SO incredibly thankful for that. I'm not the only one in this boat, most of us are. I just wish I new where to help things get better, where to cut back. More then anything I just need to trust God, stay on top of my bank account and that's all I can do. And Make sure I'm using my head!!!