Thursday, October 16, 2014

Happy Thursday

                  Happy Thursday all!!! Just wanted to give a little weekly update. Finally everyone in our household is feeling better!!! Woohoo!!! Seems like forever since we didn't have a cough or runny something. But besides the normal annoying allergies we are all good ;) 

As most of you have already heard my parents have purchased a home here in Ridgway AND it's not far from our house....actually its a whole 4 houses down...think they wanna keep an eye on us. Haha! No, really it just worked out that way. God has deftly opened doors for them and been answering many prayers with their housing situation. They are still currently trying to sell their home in Denver and have a Realtor working hard on that. So hopefully God will answer that big prayer one way or the other. They got a great deal on the home here and it needs lots of work and yet still, again, God is opening doors to provide in that area. Work has been coming in for my Dad and great deals on things needed for the new home. God is working in this situation in a huge way....mainly by giving peace in the unknown when needed the most. We have spent sometime in the new home simply clearing out tons and tons of garbage! It's pretty gross how people choose to live....ick!!! Oh the smell was horrible!!!! And let me tell you, I am in no way use to physical labor anymore and one day in that home left me beat!!!! But its pretty much cleared out with just two rooms left to clear! One huge dumpster full!!! Next would be a new roof when my Dad returns from MONTANA!!! And yes I am extremely jealous that my Dad is out visiting my sister, nieces and nephew. I have never been able to make it out that way and oh how I wish I could...someday! I am glad my Dad got sometime away and that my sister got some much needed time with family! So while my Dad is away we are very blessed to have my Mom here with us. It's been super nice!!!! 

Steve is currently been blessed with another side job, much needed right now to help catch up on some bills! God answered prayers again!!! So he works all day and then comes home and heads over to our neighbors home and continues working! Today he is hoping to pour the concrete drive way and the few sidewalk areas that needed replaced. Hoping no rain heads our way!! Steve has also been out in the woods a few days and seen lots and lots of deer...what a tease!!!! No capable shots! But we're hoping one of these times we'll be able to get a freezer full of meat!!! 

As for me...busy busy! Haha! School for Trent, Awana, court, cleaning, cooking, laundry, all the norm that almost any mom deals with daily! However next week we head to Lancaster County and I will be working for a few days with my Dad. I'm excited and yet dreading it. Dreading the tired, beat feeling that I know will come after about 3-4 hours of working. Not my thing anymore! I have to say I am more then happy being the stay at home mom, physical labor jobs and coming home to children and house is not fun in anyway! Props to working moms!!!! 

Trent continues to love school and Awana, and he's also doing very well in both. I'm so proud of him!!! I couldn't believe the first time he wrote his name for me all by himself!!! Yep I teared up! He loves cooking with me and I usually don't mind the assistance. He's still very much into dinosaurs and doctor stuff. however he wants to be a ghost for halloween...mommy needs to work her magic on a costume! 

And RyleeRoo...oh what a little blessing she is. Haha! She is all personality! She continues to let it shine, demanding, dramatic, brighter then anything, silly, cuddly, so many things all balled up into this little package. She keeps things interested. She deftly wears me out and frustrates me more then anything but shes teaching me something all along the way and she truly is a blessing in our lives. Hey she'll out grow this....right??!! As for court the other day. It went as expected. Rylee will continue to stay in our home till next April when we will have another court date to evaluate "moms" progress. Her mom is still currently in a facility in Reading, she claims its not a mandatory thing and that shes simply finishing out her parole there in a simple housing facility. Her release date is November 11th. The judge did drill into her the importance of her rehabilitation and changing her current situation as January is rolling around quite fast. Federal law requires CYS to petition the court to take custody for a child in the system 15 out of 22 months. So come January we could be looking at Adopting Rylee!! Not getting my hopes up, just praying that God continues to place this little girl where she needs to be. "Dad" has finally responded with his first phone call to CYS last week. Sadly he wants nothing to do with Rylee and is happy with where she is. He is ready to sign over his rights. SAD! He hasn't even meet this little girl and he wants to simply walk away....and yet I feel I need to thank him. Thank him for making the decision that he can't take care of this little girl and is willing to keep her where she is loved and well taken care of physically and mentally. I wish "mom" would be this selfless. 

So while I sit here and look at the changing of the leaves and enjoy this crisp fall morning weather I thank God. Thank God for answered prayers, some that are being answered currently, some that have been answered already, and the ones that will be answered. We are blessed beyond all measures! 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Hunting...Fostering and how I tie them together.

Happy Friday everyone!!!

It's Friday and tomorrow starts hunting season....blah! Or YAY!!!! A freezer full of meat would be lovely, don't get me wrong! But after days at home with just the kiddos there's nothing like having the nights alone with just the kiddos...again :) Nah it's truly not that bad. I'm happy for hunting season because it makes my husband happy. He loves sitting in the woods, it's his "think" time. All alone, sitting in a stand, high above the ground, freezing, for hours, is apparently an amazing thing. Well he shouldn't freeze just yet but for real how boring! At least take a book and make that sitting around time well worth it!!! Wouldn't most of us moms love that?! A quiet place, far away from reality, all alone to soak in a book?!! HEAVEN!!!!   

Anyways that's about all I wanna say about hunting season...or wait, GOOD LUCK HUNTERS!!!

Just a little update. Last night our social worker came out. She hasn't seen Steve in a while and apparently they need to keep up with both foster parents, so it was time for her to visit. Anyways. She asked us "the" question??? Would we wanna adopted Rylee??? And together Steve and I said YES! Court is the 14th and well see what the judge says with how "mom" is doing. But come January CYS will petition the court to take both "mom" and "dads" rights away.....just saying sad. Heart breaking really. And yet to gain a precious little girl permanently into our family someone has to lose something. And yet they truly have no clue what they are losing. 

As I look back over the past year, year and a half, I think of how God has put so many things in place to make this happen, to bring Rylee in our lives. In my mind it's sorta like hunting. Sitting around and waiting for a huge blessing to come your gain the get what you've been waiting for! And yet we never thought this would be an option right now. And don't get me wrong, anything can happen from now till January and the judge can make any decision he wants, nothing is set in stone. But seriously it's been such a blessing alone just having this little girl in our lives for the past year, and it would be an even greater blessing to keep her as a part of our family. But God knows and now it's us waiting, patiently, hours, days....whatever it takes for God to fulfill HIS plan for our family. 

So wish us luck on our journey and in the waiting process as we anticipate what will come our way. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Isn't it great how such a silly goofy ridiculous commercial can make you laugh. And yet the commercial isn't even the half of it for me. My Mom and Aunt love playing out this commercial and laughing their butts off to each others impersonations of it. So every time I see or hear comments about "hump day" their impersonations play out in my head and I sit here and smile. Laughter is SO contagious!!! 

Think about how laughter is contagious. If youre having a bad day and you see a child laughing and giggling you just can't help but smile. What about kindness though? Same thing really. If someone holds a door for you or says "Good morning" you can't help but want to repeat that gesture. But what about when someone treats you unkind...are we quick to react back in the same manor? Is a bad attitude just as contagious as kindness and laughter? Sadly I think it is. 

After my last blog post and repeatedly trying to drill out how negative and mistreating we are, today I also am following along those lines. Are we feeding into a poor crappy attitude of those around us. Bad attitudes are just as contagious as a childs laughter. If we are talking to a girlfriend, or our husbands, a neighbor or a stranger can our attitudes completely change by the conversation we are sharing with another. Hmmmmm I do find I can easily be swept away in this. And that would be my control side. If someone is confiding in me and sharing how their day is going and its based on negativity I find that I quickly get swept up in the why and wanna fix it and start analyzing how to do so. yeah that might not seem to bad but what is my response to the negative? Do I feed into it? Or am I encouraging a different response? 

To be honest last night I had a weak moment. I broke down. Blame it on PMS, my never ending Sinus Infection, my dirty house and unmotivated attitude to fix that, whiny kids, no dinner on the stove and the hundreds of other things on my mind but I flipped. My husband...God love him. Has a very sarcastic attitude, it's who he is. I dont doubt God made him that way to attract people with his happy go lucky attitude but there are days when thats the last thing I wanna hear. Come rain or shine all of Steves emotions come out in sarcasm. Its his blessing and curse. I had had it and I broke down and when I break down all my emotions come running off my sleeve in a never ending stream and Steve sits there in a complete and utter silence just staring at me. He looked so confused as to where it all was coming from. I hold things in pretty good but when it comes out, it comes hard and it hits both Steve and I like a brick. I ended up taking a drive and just asking God to calm my heart and give me patience and kindness and the words to say as needed. Like I've repeatedly said I'm a control freak and no matter how hard a pray at times to keep my mouth shut and let God work, my big old mouth gets in the way and I speak before God shoves my big old foot in my mouth. I repeatedly at times need to sing the song in my head "He's still working on me, to make me what He wants me to be". Steve gets, again, very easily caught up in the negative and can't see through the fog, I know God is working on him with that but, me, I wanna help Him with that. if I can do more then God...what a joke! Anyways yesterday I got caught up in anothers attitude and I responded poorly.  This isn't just about Steve but about how I handle other peoples negative I feeding it or am I encouraging a different response. Or am I simply being a listener and doing neither cause sometimes silence is golden. 

I got into writing this blog to constantly have a way to get my feelings out. Share whats on my mind and maybe encourage a person here or there along the way. I get I probably am not always the best person for that job but over all I just simply like typing it out and sharing it. Ive really been having a few things weighing on my mind lately and over the last year I feel God is encouraging me to reach out to woman in my area. I know He's calling me to step out of my comfort zone and do something I have no experience in and I've been fighting it...but He is not letting me forget what He's asking of me. I, or God is calling me to start a Bible study in my home. A night of encouraging other woman, to look into what God is expecting of us. This is not my comfort zone what so ever. I'm rather shy and stand off ish with this sorta thing and so I've been avoiding it. However I know its what I need and I know its what God wants of me. So with that said please pray for me as I go about this...coming up with a good, easy to understand study guide and how I find a way to encourage woman to come to my home for this.