Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sweet little girl.

Sweet little Rylee. Our first foster child just happens to be a little baby girl. Wow! When we got into fostering I requested 3 1\2 year olds and younger but no babies. And yes I knew how small of a range that was, I just wasn't sure I was ready to foster a baby. This process went SO fast!! When I got the call for Rylee I couldn't say no, it seemed so wrong to even consider that. And let me tell you, I'm SO incredibly glad I didn't. 

What a little sweetheart she is! Rylee is almost 5 months old and such a little peanut. She drowns in 3-6 month clothes at about 12 1\2 lbs. She sleeps all night from about 9pm till 8am. She follows a 3 hour schedule during the day and eats like a little piggy. Ugh! Formula, what a stinky fake milk substance! Ick! But she loves it!! And we just started her on rice cereal and two different baby foods. Doc said it's time! Seems the pediatric association or whatever it is changes SO much on what they recommend as safe...think I'll just follow my instinct! And man does she smile. She is just such a little happy girl and I just can't help but think how sad...her Mom just doesn't know what she has. 

But my heart is heavy today. When we got into fostering we were told that when you get a child its for a minimum time of 6 months but in most cases the child stays a year. Well we of course came across a little girl who has a different situation and we have no clue when she's going back home. Rylees Mom is in state prison. And no one knows when she's getting out, even her parole officer. It could be any day now. And because Rylee wasn't taken from her mom a judge could just request she just goes home. However at this point her mom has no home, no job, and there is no stability. I just find that all very sad. Her mom has 3 other children who she doesn't have and she's been in and out of jail and yet a judge might just say send Rylee back home?! I don't understand and yet it's not my job to understand or make that decision, it's simply my job to take care of Rylee and love on her while she's in my care. Friday Rylee is going to visit her mom and for some reason I'm bothered by that...what a punishment. We have also been asked by Children and Youth if we would be willing to take Rylee to see her mom in jail...scary! And I so wanna say no. I don't think her mom should even have that right. And yet I want to build a relationship with this woman and to do that I need to try. I need to be there and let her see the type of people we are and so I need to put all my feelings a side and just focus on being there for Rylee and her mom. Loving like Jesus loves.   

Can't imagine what our house will be like going back to just 3 of us again. I did tell Children and Youth we're ready for another child, hoping to always have at least two foster children in the house so it doesn't seem so crazy quiet when one leaves. It will defly be sad putting all the baby stuff away again. I do however know that God is in control and his will will be done in Rylees life and ours in whatever way he sees fit. So far this has been a great experience. I'm learning lots about how the system works and figuring out how to deal with a now family of 4.  

Monday, November 11, 2013

I'm back!

Alright alright alright I'm back. Going to take f-o-r-e-v-e-r to catch you all up with our last 2 months or so. 

It's been crazy!!! Lots of sickness, lots of blessings and lots of stress. However it's getting some what back to normal. Thank you Jesus!!!

I'm still recovering from Pmonia which let me tell you, stinks! Trent was sick for about 2 1\2 weeks with pmonia and about the day he was back to normal I came down with the flu. Horrible!!!! Major sweats, aches that made me just about cry, fever at the highest of 104. No energy what so ever!!! I was in and out of the doctors office and med-express. My cough was horrible, to the point where I was throwing up I was coughing so hard. Just absolutely no fun. I was then finally given an xray and was diagnosed with some pretty severe pmonia. During my ordeals I discovered I don't like Codeine, sorta made me crazy! Also discovered what it feels like to have an allergic reaction, also no fun!! The night I was admitted to the hospital they hooked me up to I.V and gave me two different medicines, one of those meds did not agree with me. Started getting itchy, my head felt ridiculous and then my throat started closing. Like I needed one more thing. I have never been allergic to anything...till now! And I can't wait to start getting my medical bills. An EKG, a catscan and 4 xrays and one more in about 2 weeks. Blood work everyday, oxygen, and 4 days in the hospital...yay! The worst part about the hospital was the sitting, I was on oxygen so I couldn't go far from my bed and even if I could I was quarantined due to the flu. It was no vacation. And man did I miss my baby...only ever been away from him for one night so that was pretty horrible. 

I do need to thank two very special people in my life. My parents. I could not have imagined dealing with those few weeks without my mom and dads help. I cannot thank them enough for coming up and taking care of our house and most importantly Trent and Rylee. See the day I was diagnosed with the flu and my parents started their travels to our house, we got a call that Children and Youth were probably going to be getting custody of a 4 month old little girl and they wanted to know if we wanted her. WOW! Perfect timing, right? Ugh! I couldn't say no though! We had nothing for a little girl! And I had no energy to get things ready for her. But who cares we're getting a little girl to care for!!!! Anyways Monday Rylee came and what a sweet heart she is and then Tuesday night I got admitted to the hospital. So I defly needed my mom and dad and so did Steve!!! 

So I was sent home from the hospital on a Saturday. Lots of meds sent home including an inhaler and I was suppose to be taking oxygen but my insurance refused to pay for it! Thanks! So I've had about 4 coughing attacks that took me a bit to get a hold of my breathing but I've been good for days!!! The Monday after I had an appointment for WIC with Rylee. That did not go good. It was so hot in that place I got sick. That short visit took everything out of me I then spent the rest of the day napping! I was convinced I was going to recover from this sickness and quick. I cannot sit around any longer! So Wednesday my mom went home! And since then everyday Ive gotten better and better!!!  

I must say God is good cause through everything that occurred in the last few months I've felt strong. God is holding us high and bringing such kind people into our lives to help us out. And like I said what a blessing my parents are in our lives. I've been frustrated with insurance companies and what they refuse to cover and I can't imagine the medical bills that will be coming for Trent and I and we've yet to get any! So it'll start pouring all at once I'm sure. But I know God will take care of us and each bill will be paid dollar by dollar. 

So I'm recovering and I just thank God for that! I can't imagine being sick on a daily basis and I feel horrible for those that are. I still have a nasty cough but hey I'll deal with that! Life moves on and with two kiddos in the house I gotta keep moving on!