Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunday, Oh how I love Sundays. Church and then a bunch of relaxing and quiet time while the kiddos nap. So while I really wanna read right now, for some reason all my head keeps saying is "do you know how long it's been since you've blogged?" So I guess it's time for a little catch up blogging session.

Well what a busy summer so far, but what a wonderful summer it's been. Lets start with the Rice Family Vacation in the Poconos. What an amazing time that was. So much relaxing was done. I got to enjoy lots of reading and oh my was that just a pure slice of heaven!!!! Yes I love love love slipping away in a good book. Rylee got to spend a few days with Grammie and Poppop to give me some much needed recouping time. I was feeling very overwhelmed with life and with fostering and all the challenges that can bring. I sorta got swept away in negative thoughts and found myself complaining more then ever and not being able to get out of my negative mind setting. Man fostering is NOT for the weak! Anyways after even a day I missed that little girl and even if she can be a handful I wanted her with me. I truly believe my stress of dealing with "mom" was overwhelming my relationship with Rylee and we fed off of each other in a very negative way. Things have dramatically changed and what a blessing things have been since. I have cut communication with Rylee's Mom and things have gone so much smoother. I prayed to always have an open relationship and an open home to the whole family of any foster child we ever get. However at this point distance is key. My main responsibility is to Rylee and my family and my relationship with "Mom" was hindering that. Lesson learned. God has deftly lead me and showed me He is controlling this situation. I NEED to just trust him. We stayed in a beautiful home on Lake Wallenpapeck,

 if you haven't been it's gorgeous. Trent loved being with all his cousins,
nothing blesses and touches my heart more then seeing a constant smile on that little boys face. From walks, bike rides, swimming, tubing, playtime, tennis matches, boating, fishing, movies,reading, games, it was just such an amazing blessing to spend some quality time away and with family.

It has been a raining wet, muddy spring and summer. Steve has only been capable of working 3 full weeks so far since 3 months of layoff in April...blah! And yet I have never felt more peace in knowing God is taking care of us and no amount of worrying will do any good. God knows are needs and wants and I believe in His promises. I have never felt more blessed. Every time i find myself even remotely questioning where money will come from to pay a certain bill, God provides. Just this week we were blessed with money to pay our spring taxes. They were late and not two months ago I just managed to pay our fall taxes and now these? We've been praying that the rain would just stop but that day we were thankful for the rain. Whenever I get wrapped up in the unknown I have to remind myself that God knows...and he's taking care of us. Don't get me wrong I'm a control freak and I hate the unknown, I also worry, I worry about others and that tends to control me more then worrying about me and my house hold. I pray constantly for other people, I pray for peace for others and for them to see how truly good God is. 

While I was in the Poconos I got to cuddle my little nephew, Micah. I cant even describe how much I enjoyed that. 

I know that God brought fertility issues into Steve and my life for a reason. I also know that He brought Trent into our lives for a reason. Every time I get a little sad that I couldn't have another baby through a pregnancy of my own, I look at my son and know what a huge miracle he is and that God blessed us with him and I just hold onto that thankfulness and blessing of that. It breaks my heart to hear of couples that have never had children and who have prayed and prayed and prayed for them, if it wasn't for SnowFlake Embryo Adoption and God opening the doors for us to do that we wouldn't have Trent. But for all the times that I prayed for a full home of children I see that God is answering that prayer. They don't need to be "my children" but what a fulfillment you can get in being their for other children when you are needed most. Loving them regardless of blood and circumstances. My home will always be open to children, and I will do my best to let them know there is something so much better out there and that Jesus Loves them more then Anything! 

One of the highlights of my day is heading outside in the morning and checking out my garden. Seems ridiculous but the thought of reaping what I sow. Planting, watering, tilling, weeding, nurturing and reaping the fruits. I love my garden and it maybe small but my veggie plants are not!

I can't wait to can!!! And oh what yummy zucchine bread, I mean sweet bread, we have had. I would never have gotten Steve to try anything with a veggie know in front of it so I changed the name...he loves it!!! And now he knows what it's really called and he even requests it! Fooling people is sometimes needed. I also have enjoyed picking fresh blueberries from my neighbors bushes and oh man was my first home made blueberry pie yummy!!!! 

Then lets see if there isn't enough projects going on in my home, yesterday I got the project itch! After I started ripping some tile down I decided hey why not tear out carpet?!
Why oh wow people think it's wise to put carpet in bathrooms and kitchens is beyond me but yes we had carpet in both in our home and now they are both out! Felt a little regret after I started without a helper (my dad) but I did it! And it's going to be quite a while till a new floor is put in but oh well,  just a reality in redoing a home. I'm deftly again very thankful for my construction skills. I usually never practice them anymore, sorta like if I'm not getting paid for the work I'm not doing it. But hey after 10 plus years in the construction, electrical, plumbing field I guess I should be thankful that I can do it if I choose. 

Trent has had a busy summer so far. From the Park program which lasts 6 weeks, every Tuesday thru Thursday 9-12 and then this week VBS from 6-830 he has been wiped out! Then he has been spending lots of time with his new buddy Tyler. What a blessing those two little boys are. They have such a cute little friendship and beg to play with each other daily. We've also had the joy of getting to know Tylers parents. I've prayed for friendships here and we are building one with them. They've been going through quite a lot here lately. They found out a few months ago their daughter Sara who is 12 has bone cancer. So from chemo to surgery to remove her knee and tibia they have been hit with a lot, more then most people could ever handle. My heart breaks for them at times but I know God is holding them tightly in His arms and He knew of this before Sara was even a thought in her parents minds. He is in control! Trying to be there for them when we're needed, even if it's just with a listening ear. Another highlight if you haven't heard, Trent will be going to HeadStart this year!!! An answer to prayer! He will also continue to work with IU9 once a week while there. Trent thrives in school and I know he will love it! Me on the other hand...He's growing up to fast and I'm gonna miss him at home with me :( As for his leg issues, well we have yet to get answers and we're hoping the mysterious pains will just go away. Next for him would be a Rheumatology Evaluation.

So to start off our week Rylee is suppose to have an in home visit with her Mom tomorrow. After her cancelling 4 times in two weeks I'm not gonna rush around in the morning getting everything ready to early, we'll see if it happens. Trent has the park program yet this week and it's WetNWild week!!! He's going to love it!!! Then Thursday me and the kiddos head to Lancaster to be with my family and enjoy Knoebels on Monday with family and friends, I can't wait!!!! Steve's focus while we are away is maybe to get some fishing in and fix his dirt bike in order to sell it!!! 

Final thought....A book we have for Trent that I just love reading is FireBird, if you have children and you don't have it, it's a good one to have. Anyways it's about rain and storms and where the sun goes during those times. It never goes away, it's right there behind the clouds.  A great reminder for all. God never leaves us, not even during our worst times. He's always there. We just have to look for him. My focus lately is to see the good in the little things and to focus on them and how truly blessed I am every minute of everyday.